Sunday, December 30, 2007

Taffys challenge

Taffy has challenged us to make a top ten list for 2007, I am making up my own... here we go.

Top Ten reasons why I feel more like a grown up;

10. I live on my own.

9. When I am hungry, I have to find or make my own food.

8. If I break something at my apartment , I am not scared someone will be upset with me, because it's all mine.

7. If I want to stay out til 5am, I can, though I never have.

6. When I feel like laying on my couch for hours and watching veronica mars, I can.

5. I walk to the mail box to get mail that is all pertaining to me.

4. I had my very own christmas tree this year, that I decorated.

3. I take the freeway to work, I don't know why that makes me a grown up, it just feels more grown up.

2. I bought my own fast pass.

1. I don't have to ask anyones permission to do anything.

Cheers! I want to know what Bethany's top ten are because she is my new roommate!


Allison said...

You had me at number 6.

Droopy's said...

I would have to relate to number 9!!! Only because i am hungry all the time!!! Good top 10!!!!


Ange said...

I have to say...I too started to feel like a grown up when I started taking the freeway to work!!!