I stumbled upon this today... I really like it.
"Why do little girls love to dress up in twirling skirts? why do they dream of a day their prince will come and together they will live in a great adventure? because that is the heart God set within every woman. that is the role she was created to play- to be a valiant and beautiful woman whose life changes the world."-Eldredge
Can't wait to live my great adventure with B.
He definitely set that heart within me...and I still dream of the day my prince will come...
I cannot wait to start THAT adventure.
fullerton arboretum?
and, do you have a photographer yet...? ;)
Julie... I can't wait either!!
Blythe... It was actually the Huntington gardens in pasadena, and yes www.gabrielryan.blogspot.com is our photog and we are stoked, he is awesome!
That was in Captivating, right? I've read that and loved it!
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