Monday, December 04, 2006

The Comebacks

Saturday night was so much fun. Sarah Morines, her mother, father, sister and sisters two friends along with myself went to be extras in a movie entitled the comebackers. Ok, so the movie stars the cowboy from anchorman(aka whammy!), Matthew Lawrence, Rory from 8 simple rules and the one handed man from Happy Gilmore. We drove up to cal State Fullerton and sat in the football stands and pretended to cheer for this team from 6:00 pm until 11:00 pm. Heres the breakdown of my thoughts good and bad.
Good parts:
-got to hang out with the funniest family ever
-was able to see up close(well through binoculars) my 5th grade love Matthew Lawrence
-Got in trouble for stealing one of the dummies faces and wearing it.
-Received a free apple
-Sarah and I pretending we were the stars on the way there and treating everyone like our "people"

Bad Parts:
- The staff lied to us and told us that they would feed us at 10 but never did
-The staff yelled at us numerous times to which my response of "you're mean" generated a very positive laugh and high fives
-it was seriously -5378958 degrees with the wind
-the boys behind us yelled nasty things at the cheerleaders throughout

The most amazing part of the whole night:
Mrs Morines was mad that we were treated so badly so she stole a face mask from a dummy and wore it out. Then she snuck up on me and becky and literally scared the life out of us. Genious I tell you, Genious.

So if you have any interest in being an extra... can let you know of more oppurtunities.


Allison said...

Does "Chubbs" have only one hand in real life?

TheHuntsAreRad said...

nope. hes a two handed man.