Monday, April 14, 2008

I literally passed out...

Today I went to the doctor to have a wart removed for the third time ( sick, I know) and this is how it all went down,

First off I was placed next to a man, we were seperated by a curtain, but he was having something on his finger cauterized and I was so grossed out. It was smelling like burning flesh and I wanted to scream. By the time my doctor came over to help me I was beyond nauseous. She had to burn the little wart devil three times, and it was PAINFUL. I started to feel woozy after the second application of the burning magma, but shook it off.

When we were done, I was following her to the nurses station to check out, I don't remember anything but smacking into the desk.

When I awoke, I was in a wheelchair with about 7 nurses fanning me with magazines.

I had passed out.


Smacked so hard into a desk and fell.

There were giant red throbbing marks on my feet and shins from slamming into the desk and I had to go lay down.

I survived my first passing out experience, and I don't want to do it ever again.


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