Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My name is Katie, and I have a problem

Here is another more recent, random fact about me;

Daily I read over 100 different Blogs... 18 of them are people I actually know. I have them broken down into 6 different groups

Great Photos
Peeps I know
Divine Design
Celeb Updates
Making and Baking
The "W" blogs
( and yes, I do think I am quite clever with the names)

Lately my favorite feature of my bloglines account is the special feature called "related feeds" It tells me what other blogs I will like based on the ones I already subscribe to. It's brilliant but deadly.

I really do spend countless hours reading about stuff that is really not that important.


Allison said...

Hilarious...but what is W blogs?

TheHuntsAreRad said...

W ouldnt you like to know...